Today we are finishing up this series of clues, specially designed for one-man businesses struggling to find their niche.
I have so much heart for this topic simply because the niche is the basis of everything that happens in your business. You really HAVE to get this right, though many people find it quite difficult.
Today I’m going to give you Clue #5 in our series of five things to help you come up with a solid, lucrative niche for your business. If you missed the other four clues, you can find them on my blog at www.top6businesscoach.com/blog .
Use Your Genius Zone
I encourage you to make sure that your niche utilizes your genius zone. What is your genius zone? Great question! It is the part of you that is good at something—something you’re EXCELLENT at, plus something that you DO WITH PASSION.
It’s a big mistake to build a business that’s going to make you miserable or have you doing tasks that you don’t already excel at. How much better would it be if your business is cushioned by the fact that you’re doing things that you’re already amazing at? So that’s what you should do—build your genius zone into your niche.
Finding Your Genius Zone
Many people are not all that aware of what their genius zone is, so I’d like to give you a couple of pointers.
- First, this has to be something that you’re passionate about.
- Second, it’s also an area where you have a lot of excellence and skill. It’s a marriage of something that you’re really passionate about doing and something that you’re really skilled at doing. That’s your genius zone.
The more time you spend in your genius zone, the happier and more content you’re going to be with your business.
(I know that it won’t be 100% of the time, especially with a small business where there are so many things you’ve got to do, but the greater percentage of time spent in your genius zone will translate into you being more extraordinary and more content.)
It’s sad to watch people go through all the drama of starting their own business and then have them find that they aren’t actually happy running it.
Use that combination of passion and excellence that becomes your genius zone. That way you will end up building a strong niche and a thriving business.
I hope this series of five clues has been helpful to you, and I also hope that you’ve had a chance by now to attend our Niche Master Class. If you haven’t, I strongly recommend you do. We go through the three major components of a successful niche, and you can register for it right on this page. Thank you!
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