The Secret Sauce Behind Successful Coaches
Full Day Live Event
The Secret Sauce
Behind Successful Coaches
A behind-the-scenes expose of what high-earning,
high-impact coaches know that sets them apart from
the struggling masses (and how to implement this for yourself)
8:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Seattle, WA – Thursday, March 31st, 2016
Los Angeles, CA – Thursday April 14th, 2016
St. Louis, MO – Tuesday, June 7th, 2016
Atlanta, GA – Thursday, June 30th, 2016
Fort Collins, CO -Tuesday, September 27th, 2016
Minneapolis, MN – Friday, October 28th, 2016
Charlotte, NC – Thursday, December 8th, 2016
Own A Deep 6 Figure Business Coaching Entrepreneurs?
Enjoy The Freedom and Lifestyle of Working from Home?
Profoundly Impact the Life and Fortunes of Hundreds of Small Businesses?
Enhance your Coaching skills and earn ICF Continuing Coach Education credits?
Hi there. My name is Tommi Wolfe and I invite you to join me as I take you behind the scenes of my successful coaching practice to show you what most coaches and consultants have not yet discovered.
No, I am not being dramatic, I kind of wish I was. But the facts are this. Most coaches and consultants in the USA work extremely hard,yet struggle to make just 5 figures. Sadly, they usually give up feeling disappointed and broke after struggling for a few years.
They start off so excited and usually have beautiful hearts and the best of intentions. This is why they want to coach in the first place… They love making the world a better place!
But when they discover how hard it is to actually get coaching clients, and then how exhausting coaching can be (even when you really love your clients and coaching), well… Let’s just say it is very discouraging.And then, there are a scores of expensive experts out there telling you to “just use our favorite quick fix ‘x’ or ‘y’ ” and you will make a fortune. Well, you probably already know how that goes right ☺? There is no easy way to build a deep 6 figure business or everyone would be doing it!
However, as a successful business coach myself, there were some key success factors and breakthroughs that I found. I confess I found them probably more by accident than my own smarts, but they allowed me to get a very different result with my coaching business, The Startup Expert.
This is me on stage at a 5-star hotel in downtown Denver. I am not sure if I was more surprised, delighted, humbled or honored to find myself becoming a respected leader in my community as a coach. Every aspect of running this business has surprised and delighted me. So I know firsthand how fulfilling it can be. In fact, this is easily the most fulfilling and meaningful job I ever had.
Today, I run a network of coaches in 10 states and 2 countries, so I have A LOT of experience at helping coaches start successful businesses. In fact, I am now known as The Business Coach Launcher ☺
I want you to enjoy similar success. Are you up for it? If so, I i
nvite you to join me for this special day up close and personal.
I don’t want you to give up on your dreams!
And I don’t want you to play small.
There is a HUGE NEED for talented business coaches today. There are over 20 million businesses in the USA today. And only 10% of them are in 6 figures. Which means the majority are struggling and need help right now. Wow! That is quite a target market, with a big problem – the perfect fit for a business that knows how to get results!
So there is ample opportunity here for heart centered, smart, capable entrepreneurs who genuinely can make a difference to this target market. Might that be you?
Imagine. You could actually run the business of your dreams, from home, have lots of freedom and independence, work your own hours and still make a profound difference to these struggling business owners.
I am putting together this day in the hope of empowering business coaches to set up their businesses for success, right from the start.
I seriously recommend you attend if:
- You are already a business coach, but are making less than $250,000
- You are thinking about becoming a business coach
- You are searching for a rewarding and impactful new career
- You want to earn 6 ICF CCE Credits
You will leave this intensive day with loads of know-how and insider tools you need to turn your coaching practice into a very high earning success.
Warning! This is a real look at what it actually takes to become
a high-earning business coach. It isn’t for the faint-hearted!
And it isn’t for people who want a hobby business and aren’t prepared to DO THE WORK.
It is for entrepreneurs that want techniques that are ridiculously effective.
And the results are intoxicating.
I can’t wait to show you some of these totally unexpected, unintuitive techniques that help you to fill your coaching practice and have a financially and spiritually abundant freedom lifestyle.
Here is a thank you card sent to us from one of our past event attendees!
Here are the BIG cornerstone skills you will master during our time together. Not only will you master them, you will leave ready to apply them in your own business!
Here’s a sampling of what will be covered during our day together:
I will show you how these obstacles can stop your growth, and how to get around each of them.
- CLARITY: How to create niche that is focused enough and targeted enough to ensure that you can find clients. I will share my fill-in-the-bank template to help you talk about your niche powerfully too.
- CREDIBILITY: Let’s face it. This is especially hard for business coaches because we shouldn’t hand out advice to others if we haven’t done it yourself right? But you have to start somewhere. How to do this gracefully, and accelerate as fast as possible through the 5 figure range so that you can practice what you preach.
- CLIENTS You can’t run a business without them! I tried everything. I will show you the 4 methods that actually brought in over 90% of my clients.
- COMMUNITY: Some surprising ways that I build a vibrant and loyal community of fans around me, that created buzz, confidents and clients!
- COMPETITION: I have to tell you – there is a LOT of competition out there for business coaches. I will show you why I consider them to be irrelevant, and how I escape from being affected by them. It is pretty interesting!
- COMPETENCY: I learned to become really good at a couple of core competencies, both infrastructure-related and skill related. These made me very confident. I want to show you exactly what these were.
- CURRICULUM: When you want to charge top dollar – you better have a valuable program with a well thought out curriculum. Regardless of what you may have learned in coaching school, your powerful questions are not enough – you need some curriculum too. I will show you what I created, and how I did it.
One-on-One Coaching puts most coaches out of business. And yet it makes a few very wealthy… want to know their secrets?
- Beware the pitfalls of private coaching: There are so many traps I found! I can’t wait to share them with you, it will change how you coach!
- How to price your private coaching: This is imperative! Too high and it won’t sell. Too low and you go broke.
- Choosing when to coach privately or in a group: This was the biggest breakthrough I ever made in my business, and you will see why. Leveraging is everything when growing a small business.
- How to bundle your coaching so you can charge abundantly: This took me years to figure out, but it changed everything when I did.
Juicy Templates We Will Share
As many of you know, I love sharing my high quality templates, and I know you love getting them! These are exceptional tools we have built in-house and can save you years of learning this the hard way. Here is a sample of what you will receive at this event:
- [Template] 5 Hottest Marketing Magnets
- The Marketing Methods That Are Working Right Now
- [Template] How To Calculate The Value Of Your Time
- A Guide To Flawless Coaching Cheat Sheet
- Sample Coaching Contract
- [Cheat Sheet] The Consequences Of Private And Group Coaching
- [Cheat Sheet] How And When To Offer Private Coaching
Class Prerequisite
If you are not already a business coach, or considering becoming a business coach, this material is not a good use of your time and energy.
This is a 1 day “private, up-close with me, very high content intensive” style workshop. I am deliberately keeping this event small because I want to be able to personally make sure each participant is well equipped to go back to their business and get results.
Location Details
Please select the location and dates of your choice on the order form. You will be given hotel information as it becomes available, after registration.
Please know we work hard to find lovely locations and look after you well at the event, you will be comfortable.
This event is exclusively for entrepreneurs who:
- Are already coaches, but want to grow their practice above $250,000 annual revenue
- Want to attend a serious, intimate event with other entrepreneurs who are at their level
- Are ready to fully step into being a powerful entrepreneur and leader in their field
- Are considering becoming a business coach
- Want a lucrative, meaningful business that they can run from home
This workshop is a private event and recordings will NOT be on sale after the event. If you can’t make it, you miss it.
Your registration includes:
- One-day private workshop with me
- All classroom materials, including scripts and templates
- Delicious breakfast served in the morning
- Tea and coffee served all day
- An unforgettable day for learning, growing, and meeting other movers and shakers in your area
INVESTMENT: $497 per seat
Early Bird tickets while they last are $97Standard Discounted Tickets are $197
Get your $197 Discounted Ticket while they last here!
These Discounted Tickets are non-refundable prior to the event. However should you come to the event and aren’t satisfied we will refund this entire amount to you.
“If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat! Just get on.” ~ Sheryl Sandberg
You will complete this one-day intensive with:
- A set of skills and tools few business coaches own, ready to implement at work
- A deep understanding of exactly how to monetize a business coaching practice
- A clear knowledge of what obstacles to avoid, and how to avoid them
- Clarity on how and when to do private coaching in your practice
- The scripts, templates, and skills to be able to implement a successful coaching practice
- Valuable new colleagues and connections
- PLUS 6 ICF CCE Credits
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
ICF CCE Credits:
- Core Competency 1.55
- Resource Development 4.45
If you attend this event, and do not believe it was worth your precious time and a $97 investment, just tell us. We will gladly give you a “no questions asked” refund.
What This Event is NOT…
➜This is NOT an event where recordings will be shared, or sold to the public at a later time.
➜This is NOT an event with multiple speakers and multiple sales offers. I will be leading the entire day with you, and this is all about a high-end, intimate high-output workshop experience.
Limited spots are available. Reserve yours now.
Are you joining me?
Then click here now to secure your spot with a $197 Discounted Ticket
INVESTMENT: $497 per seat
Early Bird Pricing $97
Standard Discounted Tickets of $197
These Discounted Tickets are non-refundable prior to the event. However should you come to the event and aren’t satisfied we will refund this entire amount to you.
Once we receive your ticket order, here’s what happens:
1. You will receive an email with all the location details.
2. Please book your hotel room if you are traveling in for your event.
Details in the confirmation emails.
3. We will notify you a week ahead with any further details!
Event Testimonials
The most transformational event I have ever been to, with tangible transformational exercises too.
– Amanda Bresee
Great event to stimulate growth of your business. I learned many tips and tools that will save years of struggle.
– Patrice Tabor
This is a program you can plug in and be successful faster in business.
-Erin Loman Jeck
This is worth the time – I learned a few key things that will accelerate my business growth in the next 60 days.
-Audrey Godwin
You will learn an incredible amount of valuable knowledge as well as collaborate with other powerful people. Thank you for your investment + heart + practicality you + whole team brought.
-Camille Paterson
Tommi is the epitome of authenticity and wisdom. Thank you Tommi for confirming what I have suspected but have otherwise been led not to believe.
-Nina Durfee
It was a wonderful workshop. Tommi’s ability to distill things down to their essence in a practical way is a true gift. Combined with her authentic presence and brilliance, it makes for a very powerful experience. I feel clearer about the pieces that I need to have in place and realize that I need to really focus on my courage quotient and cultivate the things that feed it.
-Wendy Shumway
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If you attend this event, and do not believe it was worth your precious time and a $97 investment, just tell us. We will gladly give you a “no questions asked” refund.
I look forward to working with you in person!
INVESTMENT: $497 per seat
Early Bird Pricing $97 TicketDiscounted Ticket of $197
Then click here now to secure your spot with a $197 Discounted Ticket
These Discounted Tickets are non-refundable prior to the event. However should you come to the event and aren’t satisfied we will refund this entire amount to you.
Much Love,

“If you are not willing to risk the unusual, you will have to settle for the ordinary.” ~Jim Rohn.
Tommi Wolfe
Founder Top 6 Club (Trademark pending) 2014
Extraordinary Mompreneur Award 2013
InfusionSoft Small Business Leader Award, Colorado region 2013
Finalist DBJ Outstanding Women in Business 2013
Finalist CWCC Small Business of the Year 2012
Finalist Shine Millionaire Protege Club 2011
Creator, Super Smart Start System (Trademark pending)