“I get to work less hours, spend more time in my genius zone, and make 4 times the money!”
“This opportunity took what I was already doing pretty well and strapped a rocket to my back. I was doing great, but my clients needed more. I just didn’t have the man hours to create what this established and proven entrepreneurial program has given me. Now my clients are making huge, powerful strides forward. They love the program, the community and content. And I get to work less hours, spend more time in my genius zone, and make 4 times the money!”
– Carey Conley, Co-creator Infinite Nation, www.infin8nation.com
“This is a huge blessing in getting me to the lifestyle I want quicker”
“Being a Top 6 program leader is SO GREAT because it combines all of the areas and talents I have, AND gives me the back end support I need. I love the “business in a box” concept with all the proven marketing resources & systems included, the excellent content, and gorgeous graphics. It is a proven program that creates massive success for clients, unique and unlike anything else in the country. The program is such a deal for my clients and I feel so good offering it to them. This is a huge blessing in getting me to the lifestyle I want quicker. It gives me some freedom now, rather than working 70 hours a week for years to create this infrastructure. I am enjoying the ability to work with clients in a group at a higher price-point. My entire financial future has completely shifted and I’m so thrilled that I said YES to this amazing opportunity to be a part of a global brand!”
– Allison Castano
“We encourage, inspire, and guide one another so that we can all become better coaches, business owners, and human beings. Together we’re making a significant difference in the world through our businesses, and that is a beautiful thing.”
“Before becoming a Top 6 Coach, I was on the phone and glued to my computer most of the day—and frequently much of the evening. Almost everything I did was virtual. Now, thanks to Top 6, my ENFJ personality type is free to express itself fully through my coaching and mentoring business. In the Baltimore Metro area, besides attending networking events organized by other entrepreneurs, I run one local Top 6 Mastermind and two “6 Figure Success Club” Meetups a month as well as four ‘live’ workshops a year. The in-person emphasis of the ‘Live Local Lucrative’ Top 6 business model is perfect for me. I’m cultivating valuable relationships through speaking and networking and am relishing the deeper human connections we make when we communicate with each other face-to-face.
I also love using the Top 6 content to teach and inspire. I don’t thrive on producing written content myself, so taking readymade Top 6 material, personalizing it, teaching it to small groups, and delivering it from stage works really well for me. My local audiences are deeply moved and very well served, and I get to focus on what I do best.
But wait – there’s more! I used to be hesitant and self-conscious about asking for business; now I’m not. I feel very comfortable offering the Top 6 Mastermind program. It’s so robust that I confidently sell even my high-end program though it is four times the cost and value of any program I’ve offered previously. How cool is that?
Perhaps most importantly though, I truly love our Top 6 community (including management and support). We encourage, inspire, and guide one another so that we can all become better coaches, business owners, and human beings. Together we’re making a significant difference in the world through our businesses, and that is a beautiful thing.”
– Jory H. Fisher, www.JoryFisher.com